Other University Policies

University Policies

From conduct guidelines to safety regulations, explore our concise policies ensuring a respectful and inclusive campus environment. Learn about hazing prevention, animal regulations, and our commitment to diversity. Navigate posting rules, tobacco-free campus policies, and guidelines for inviting speakers. At Seattle University, we prioritize clarity and inclusivity in all aspects of campus life.

Review the Academic Integrity policy here Academic Integrity Policy.

Seattle University takes seriously its commitment to provide a drug- and alcohol-free community. The manufacture, sale, possession, distribution, dispensing, consumption, or use of either alcohol or drugs is subject to Washington State and Federal laws as well as regulations established by university administration. Policies governing student use and possession of alcohol are detailed in the Code of Student Conduct.

In response to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and amendments to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Seattle University has developed the Substance Abuse Policies and Prevention Program brochure Substance Abuse Policies and Prevention Handbook that revised and published annually for students, faculty, and staff.

There is also an Alcohol Policy, which is a part of Seattle University's Event Policy, specifically outlining how alcohol may be dispensed at an event on campus. Students are responsible for conducting themselves as responsible members of the academic community in accordance with the policies listed above.

Violations of state or federal law or of any university policy or regulation may result in disciplinary sanctions described under the Code of Student Conduct.

Copies of any of the policies mentioned are available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Development, the Event Support Services office, Human Resources, and the Counseling and Psychological Services department.

The University recognizes the important role animals can play in the lives of employees and students. At the same time, certain animals are not suitable companions to bring on campus, and there are people who have fears or allergies associated with certain animals. Therefore, no animals, with the exception of service dogs and animals being used for instructional purposes are allowed in campus buildings during hours of instruction or normal business operations. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the vice president/provost responsible for the operational area where a person seeks to have an animal inside campus buildings.

  1. Definitions

    For the purposes of the policy, the following definitions apply:

    • 1.1 Dog owner - anyone who brings a dog to campus.
    • 1.2 Dog - a domesticated dog.
    • 1.3 Service dog - any guide dog, signal dog, or other dog individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability (as defined by applicable laws and regulations).
    • 1.4 Demonstration animal - an animal used by faculty members for teaching purposes (procedures governing the use of lab animals on University property are addressed by the Animal Usage Committee or other appropriate offices and committees).
  2. Animals on Campus and in Work Areas

    No animal other than a dog, a service dog, or a demonstration animal may be on university property at any time. No dogs, except service dogs, are permitted in classroom buildings during hours of instruction or normal business operations. If a vice president/provost has approved the presence of a dog in a work area during hours of instruction or normal business operations, the dog owner must post a sign in the office area stating that a dog is present. At no time are dogs permitted in food service areas such as the Sidebar, the Bottom Line, or the Cherry Street Market. Employees are permitted to have in their work area fish in aquariums holding 10 gallons of water or less.

  3. Animals in Residence Halls

    The University’s Student Handbook, Guide to Residence Hall Living, and related residence life policies govern the presence of animals in University housing.

  4. Areas of Campus Where and When Dogs and Demonstration Animals Are Allowed Without Prior Approval

    For the purposes of the policy, the following definitions apply:

    • 4.1 Service dogs are authorized throughout campus at all times.
    • 4.2 Dogs are allowed outdoors on the University's property at all times, subject to the requirements of Section 5.
    • 4.3 Dogs are allowed in work areas or campus buildings at times other than hours of instruction or normal business operations, subject to the requirements of Section 5.

    4.4 Faculty members may take demonstration animals into classrooms and instructional facilities only for teaching purposes.

  5. Dog Owner’s Responsibilities

    Whenever a dog is on the University's campus in accordance with this policy, the dog must be kept on a leash at all times. The dog owner is responsible for caring for the dog, ensuring the safe and responsible behavior of the dog, and preventing the dog from chasing squirrels, birds, or other wildlife on campus. The dog owner is also responsible for cleaning up all messes the dog may make, including properly disposing of waste the dog leaves in outdoor areas of campus, (this does not apply to service dogs and their owners).

  6. Complaint Resolution

    When a concern is raised about an animal on campus, employees and students are encouraged to inform the person with the animal about university policy. If a concern is not resolved, employees should consult their immediate supervisor or Human Resources, and students should consult Student Development. Human Resources and Student Development have the authority to make final determinations about individual cases.

  7. Information and Questions

    Questions about this policy should be directed to Human Resources at ext. 5870. Questions about animals in university housing should be directed to Housing & Residence Life at ext. 6305. Students with questions about animals in other campus buildings should contact Student Development at ext. 6066. Questions about proper cleanup of indoor dog messes should be directed to Campus Support Services at ext. 2639.

Bullying is unwelcome comments or behaviors (including non-verbal behaviors) that are repeated, aggressive, and could reasonably be foreseen to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control, or diminish another person physically or mentally. Bullying behaviors may include (but are not limited to):

  • Calling names or teasing;
  • Spreading inappropriate rumors;
  • Excluding someone from groups, activities, or participation in social groups, or encouraging or pressuring others to do so; or
  • Making inappropriate comments about another person.

Cyberbullying is the use of digital communication platforms, including the internet, electronic devices, and interactive and digital technologies, to bully another person or persons.

Seattle University updated the University Hazing Policy beginning in the 2022-23 academic year. See Hazing for more information.

Off-campus religious organizations wishing to use bulletin boards, and/or campus facilities for prayer or meeting space need to contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Student Center 120 at 206-296-6075. Approved outside organizations need to abide by policies and procedures of the institution, including a respect for other religious traditions, explicit identification of the organization and its purposes, exercise no pressure on campus members to participate in the organization’s activities, and conduct no solicitation of members.

A full copy of the policy is available in Campus Ministry and in the office of the Vice President for Mission and Ministry.

The University recognizes that the right to freely express oneself and the right to have access to divergent viewpoints are fundamental to an academic community. However, when the exercise of these rights impinges upon the exercise of other important rights, the conflicting interests must be balanced.

As of September 1, 2024, the University has published an updated On Campus Demonstrations Policy.  For details about how the University supports students in planning a demonstration, please visit Supporting Demonstrations on Campus on Redhawk Hub.

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, Seattle University is prohibited from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. There are no exceptions to this prohibition. Even an insubstantial violation may lead to monetary fines and exposes the University to the possibility of revocation of its tax-exempt status. Nevertheless, Seattle University encourages its students to engage in civic activity, including participation in the political process. To permit the most robust discourse during political campaigns, while at the same time ensuring Seattle University’s compliance with the restrictions placed on the University as a tax-exempt organization, the University offers the following student guidelines. Students should observe the following with respect to their participation in national, state or local political campaign activities:

Prohibited Political Activities

Students are prohibited from engaging in the following political activities:

  • Using University letterhead, logos or postage to send mail supporting or opposing a ballot initiative or candidate running for elected office.
  • Using a University copy machine to copy materials supporting or opposing a ballot initiative or candidate. However, use of pay-per-use services, such as SUperCopy may be used as long as University funds are not used.
  • Conducting a political campaign from a University office or other University facility, or otherwise using University resources, such as a University-provided telephone, computer or e-mail address to conduct such a political campaign.

On-Campus Appearances by Political Candidates

As part of its educational mission, the University welcomes political candidates to campus to represent a diverse range of views. On-campus political forums or debates are permitted as part of the University’s educational mission, provided that all the registered candidates are invited to participate in the event and the event does not favor or endorse any particular candidate. No campaign rallies, campaign banners, campaign literature or button distribution or fund-raising are allowed.

A disclaimer must be included in all written materials and advertising and announced at the beginning of the event: “Seattle University does not support or oppose any political candidates. The views expressed are those of [the candidate or other partisan political speaker] only. The [Seattle University-related group] is sponsoring this event.”

In addition, political candidates are permitted to appear on-campus in a non-campaign capacity as long as the event is sponsored by a University department or an officially recognized organization. The event must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The political candidate is invited to speak for reasons other than their candidacy for public office.
  • The political candidate speaks in a non-candidate capacity.
  • The event maintains a non-partisan atmosphere and prohibits campaigning or fundraising.
  • The University department or organization takes care to avoid the appearance of institutional endorsement for a particular candidate.
  • The event is open to the entire University community, regardless of political affiliation.
  • The event is not organized or run by the candidate, their representatives or any outside organization.

Students who wish to invite a political candidate to campus should first contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Development at 206-296-6066.

Student Publications

Student publications may run editorials expressing the editor’s views on candidates for public office, provided that the publication’s editorial policy is free of editorial control by University administrators or faculty advisors. A statement on the editorial page must indicate that the views expressed are those of the student editors and not those of the University.

Advertising in University Publications

University publications may accept paid political advertising as long as it is accepted on the same basis as other non-political advertising and not attributed to the University’s own views. The publication should identify the advertisement as paid political advertising and state the University does not endorse the candidate. The University must make advertising space available to all candidates on an equal basis.

These guidelines do not address every situation. Questions about permitted and prohibited political activities should be directed to the Office of University Counsel at 206-296-2043.

Signs, notices, flyers, banners, and announcements may be placed only on authorized bulletin boards, campus kiosks and other specified locations. They may not be posted on cars, trees, walls, doors, or glass surfaces. All publicity to be distributed or displayed in most buildings on campus must be approved and stamped at the ConnectSU Hub (Student Center Front Desk - 1st Floor). Publicity intended for residence halls must be approved and stamped by the Housing and Residence Life Office (Campion Hall 100). Publicity for off-campus groups hosting events on campus must be approved by the Conference & Event Services Office (1313 Columbia Building). Items not displaying the official stamp will be removed. Signs must contain the name of the sponsoring organization, which is responsible for their posting and removal. If the material is in a foreign language, an English translation must be supplied. Flyers are limited to 11 inches x 17 inches and banners are limited to 6 feet wide by 14 feet long. Flyers are limited to one per bulletin board and banners are limited to one banner per event. A complete set of guidelines and posting locations are available at the ConnectSU Hub in the Student Center.

The use of electric scooters and hoverboards is not permitted on Seattle University owned, leased, or managed property, including in publicly accessible outdoor areas.

Housing & Residence Life: Resident Handbook

To comply with the Washington State Indoor Clean Air Act and fire codes that apply to the university, and to promote a safe and healthy educational and work environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, Seattle University has adopted a tobacco and smoke free campus policy.

The use or sale of tobacco products is prohibited on and within all Seattle University owned, leased, or managed property and at university sponsored off-campus events. Products approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the uses of mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease are permitted under this policy.

“Tobacco Products” refers to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco (e.g. hookahs), and nicotine delivery devices that simulate the use of tobacco (e.g. electronic cigarettes, vaping).

“Products approved by the Food and Drug Administration” refers to nicotine-containing products approved by the FDA for tobacco cessation therapy, such as gums, patches, lozenges, etc.

Resources for students related to tobacco and nicotine cessation are available through the Office of Wellness & Health Promotion.

Because of its charitable status, the University is exempt from Washington State property tax and from federal income tax. To protect its tax-exempt status, the University prohibits solicitation of its students and the distribution of literature on campus by outsiders. Only the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Development may grant an exception to this policy. In addition, the University prohibits students from using University property, buildings, or facilities in connection with any non-University business venture, unless the activity connected to the venture is part of an approved academic course. Questions about this policy should be addressed to the Vice Provost for Student Development or the Office of University Counsel.

Seattle University Speaker Policy

In the area of institutional publications, whether under student or non-student editorship, the university properly reserves to itself final authority in matters of policy, practice, and content because the university, as publisher, is legally responsible for the content and conduct of all its publications. To deny or minimize this obligation would not only compromise the educational ideals to which the university is dedicated, but it would also imply a violation of the public trust symbolized in the university charter.

The university believes, however, that its own obligation can be best fulfilled, and its educational goals best achieved, in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility for all members of the university in the search for truth and in the expression of personal opinion. The university also believes that student media, especially the student newspaper, make a valuable contribution to establishing and maintaining this atmosphere on campus.

While such a policy will always involve the risk this freedom may be abused and the university, or one of its publics, may be embarrassed or find its sensibilities offended, nevertheless, this risk is viewed as a necessary concomitant of the broad educational purposes to which every university should be dedicated.

Each student publication has a faculty or professional adviser appointed by the university president whose primary duty is to counsel the student editors regarding technical, ethical, and managerial aspects of composition and publication.

The Vice Provost for Student Development is responsible for appointing the executive student editor for each publication. This editor, in consultation with the adviser, makes provision for the appointment of all other staff members.