Physics Undergraduate Research

Summer research is highly valued by employers and graduate schools. See some of your options for SU research or research at another institution.

You should strongly consider working in a summer research program, either on campus with a SU faculty member or elsewhere as part of a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program.

Many of our Physics Faculty are working on research and hire students to work with them in the summer. Please visit our Faculty Research Interests page to learn more, then contact the professor whose research interests you to find out about openings.

Deadlines for off-campus program applications are coming soon, you should take a look at REU programs and internships across the country on the web. The following websites allow you to search for external REU programs:

Selected Undergraduate Research Opportunities

  • Catholic University, NSF REU
  • Georgetown University, REU
  • Louisiana State University (LSU), Center for Computation & Technology
    • REU Program
    • Application Deadline: February 28, 2022
    • Notification of Decision: March 20, 2022
    • Program runs from May 23-July 30, 2022
  • Quantum Pathways Program, The Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute at the University of British Columbia
  • University of Washington