Kinesiology with Departmental Honors, BS


BS, Kinesiology with Departmental Honors will offer students an in-depth exploration of research within one of Kinesiology’s many fields of interest. Students will develop a research question of interest, which will impact real world problems and solutions surrounding human function and performance. Under the supervision of our expert faculty, students will then implement a research design to collect, analyze, and interpret data that addresses the research question. 

Application to the major

Students who are interested in pursuing Kinesiology with Departmental Honors need to have a cumulative and major grade point average of 3.5 by the start of their senior year. To apply, students should contact their proposed faculty supervisor in the spring of their junior year based on their area of interest. Once a supervisor is confirmed, the student will need to contact Dr. Sarah Shultz ( with their intention to complete the departmental honors option. A signature of approval from the proposed faculty supervisor will be required. Students can apply for the honors track as early as winter quarter of their junior year and no later than June 1st of their junior year. After the student is approved for the BS, Kinesiology with Departmental Honors, they will be required to complete and submit a change of major form.

Completion of the major

Students will be expected to develop a research design with which to collect, analyze and interpret data that will ultimately answer the proposed research question. During KINE 4780, students will work with their supervisor to prepare for, and begin data collection. Students will complete data collection, analysis and interpretation during KINE 4790, resulting in a written thesis.  Degree requirements available here (catalog.)

Kinesiology with Honors

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Kinesiology Department