January 10: The Baptism of the Lord

Posted by Campus Ministry on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8:00 AM PST

sunlight breaks through a cloudy sky over water with trees in the foreground

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This Sunday we return to Ordinary Time after the Christmas season. As we begin the new quarter, our times do not feel at all ordinary. My heart is heavy with grief, my attention on violence, political turmoil, the continued toll of the pandemic on so many in our communities, the staggering loss of life (nearly two million people dead from COVID-19 worldwide), and more. 

It is with this heavy heart that I turned to the readings today, marking the Baptism of the Lord, and I found this prayer emerging from the depths of my heart for today, and the days ahead:

God of Justice,
our hearts are troubled by sickness and violence.
Pour out your grace upon us, that in every trial we face
we may know you are present in our midst, inviting us towards your peace.
In today’s scriptures we hear your promise, echoing through the ages, to bring justice to the earth,
and so we commend our selves, our communities, our country, and all our world to your care,
trusting that you will transform every heart, relationship, and circumstance in your boundless love.

Jesus, God with Us, Lord of All,
you began your mission of goodness, mercy, liberation, and healing,
rooted in a deep knowledge of your belovedness.
Grant that, as we begin this new year, each of us may be drenched in your love,
and, with you as our constant companion,
we may walk in your ways of tenderness, hope, and peace,
sharing in your mission all our days.

Holy Spirit, gift of our baptism,
renew within us your call to be a covenant for all nations,
that we, the Body of Christ, may be a light for the world,
proclaiming with our lives that you call us
to love in ever-widening circles,
and so bring your kingdom of justice and peace to all nations.  

Divine One, who looks at us and is pleased,
We turn to you with hearts full of gratitude for the graces of our baptism,
hear and answer this prayer through Christ our Lord.


~ Words by JoAnn Melina Lopez, Campus Minister for Liturgy