January 2: The Epiphany of the Lord

Posted by Campus Ministry on Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 10:27 AM PST

a view of the night sky from between dark red rocks of the grand canyon rising up

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New Year’s Spiritual Resolutions Inspired by the Magi

  1. Pay attention to God’s invitation. Notice the beauty of creation. Listen attentively to others. Trace where God is speaking in your dreams and your deepest desires.
  2. Risk encountering the Face of God in others. Go out of your comfort zone. Say yes to hard conversations, ask questions, be present when you felt lost or helpless, ask for help when you need it.
  3. Allow yourself to be surprised. God may show up in unexpected, humble places. Do not let your expectations become your idols, you may lose sight of where God is.
  4. Be joyful. Let your breath be taken away by beauty, by simplicity, by relationships, by love. When you catch glimpses of God’s love, rejoice!
  5. Open your treasures. Acknowledge that all is gift, do not clench tightly – open your hands and your heart to God’s work. Offer your gifts, your time, your whole self, to a God of love who wants to create abundant life in and through you. Offer love, forgiveness, understanding, and compassion to those who need it.
  6. Resist oppression. Pay attention when power and authority are being abused. Practice civil disobedience. Speak out against injustice. Volunteer. Protect those who are vulnerable.
  7. Allow yourself to be transformed. Commit concretely to how your encounter with Christ will impact your life. Go home by another way. Be a witness to the light by your life.


 ~ JoAnn Lopez, Campus Minister for Liturgy