March 13: Second Sunday of Lent

Posted by Campus Ministry on Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 8:00 AM PDT

An image of a tree in a field at sunset.

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God reveals Himself to us in various ways. We may find Him in the beauty of nature or simple acts of kindness. Nevertheless, we always seem to encounter God's grace and love in the least expected places. Peter experienced a small glimpse of God's glory and splendor in today's Gospel. As Jesus lifted the veil, His divinity shone brightly to His disciples. The Transfiguration was a special event where God allowed Peter, James, and John to experience His divine glory profoundly, strengthening their faith and preparing them with the commitment and resolve it takes to reach Heaven.  

 A few weeks ago, I attended Search Retreat, during which I had the opportunity to step away and disconnect from the usual college life and find the time to grow closer to God, my peers, and myself. Throughout the entire retreat, God revealed Himself to me through my experiences and the relationships that I formed. When God reveals Himself to us in our daily lives, we are constantly reminded and invited to become instruments of His love. As we continue this Lenten season, we must remember that while this is a time of prayer and reconciliation, this is also a time of almsgiving. Lent is a time when we can share our Time, Talents, and Treasures with the community and the greater world. We are called to open our hearts to those who need it most, lend a loving and helping hand, and be good neighbors. Each Lent calls us to renew the promise we made at our Baptism to see the world with eyes of faith and live like Jesus, and when we do, we are transfigured and shine with the light of Christ. 

Today friends, I invite you to allow God to open your minds and your hearts. Allow Him to transform you through the Holy Spirit to nurture a life of stewardship marked by prayer, service to our neighbors, and generosity. 


-  Angelo Neri Alfonso, Class of 2024, B.S. Computer Science