ODI Updates

Racial Equity Summit: Details and Information for Thursday, April 13th!

Posted by Office of Diversity & Inclusion on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 3:33 PM PDT

Dear Campus Community:

I am excited to invite you to join in “Freedom Dreaming” at this year’s Racial Equity Summit, on April 13, from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Bring your curiosity, care, and courage as we co-create and build community, nurture radical inclusion, and imagine transformation. This is not simply an event, nor is it only a learning opportunity. It is a journey into our history and our hearts to engage our future with the confidence, resolve, and hope of freedom dreamers. We invite you to explore this unique Freedom Dreaming Flip Book in preparation for our journey together.  

Special thanks to all in our campus community who are making this summit possible including faculty, staff, and student participants, and the support and engagement of senior leadership, and a range of campus partners and stakeholders.

Here is a snapshot of the journey we look forward to taking together:

Building Community

8:00 am: Readying for the Journey.
Preparation, Pigott Atrium (with live music by Zach Bruce and Band).
Enjoy breakfast, coffee, and live music while you take a walk through an exhibit celebrating freedom dreamers in U.S. history. Take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on the journeys, work, and dedication of those who move with the courage and audacity to dream of a better tomorrow. Connect with colleagues as you prepare and plan for the day together.

8:30 am: The Journey Begins. (Context)
Welcome & the Power of Place, Pigott Auditorium.
This stop will open the door to the rest of our endeavor focusing on wholeness and reconciliation. Various community members will then provide affirmations, centering framework, and invocation to mark our journey together.

Nurturing Radical Inclusion through Collective Learning and Engagement

9:15 am: Pause at the Mountain Top. (Clarity)
Keynote Address and Q&A, Pigott Auditorium.

Acclaimed historian Dr. Imani Perry joins us remotely to speak about her award-winning book, South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation. Dr. Perry will discuss important concepts, themes, and insights related to the journey to racial equity. This is a rare opportunity to hear from one of the foremost scholars and a 2022 National Book Award Winner.

10:30 am: Reimagine an Equitable Future. (Reflect)
Remarks by Senior Leadership, Poetry Presentation, and Discussion with Dr. Imani Perry on Imagining Transformation, Pigott Auditorium.

Imagining Transformation

11:00 am: Exploring Pathways to Freedom: More Knowledge is Power.
Freedom Schools, various classroom locations on campus.
Learn something new or deepen understanding on a range of racial equity topics.

Freedom School facilitators will engage participants in a wide range of topics related to racial equity, encompassing intersectional voices and perspectives on productive activism, spirituality, media, personal accountability, creative acts, and many others. You will have a wealth of subjects from which to choose!

11:10 am: Freedom School Session One (A New Pathway)

12:00 pm: Freedom School Session Two (A Second Pathway)

Choose another topic; engage with another Freedom School session. The Freedom School track repeats so you get to choose two pathways to explore!

12:45 pm: Recommit - Concluding this Journey, Beginning Another. (Evolve)

Stewarding Freedom Dreams with Remarks, Special Giveaways, and Send Off, Pigott Auditorium.
Join as a community to debrief on the day’s lessons and experiences. Recommit to the ongoing journey toward freedom - your unique dreams and our collective ones as a university. There will also be prizes and other special giveaways!

Lunch will be available to enjoy as you depart the Summit.

Note: Racial Equity Summit takes place only once every other year. Classes will not be held between 8:00 am - 1:30 pm to provide an opportunity for the entire campus to attend and engage. Please plan to be a part of this exciting adventure and together let’s co-create a memorable journey toward reconciliation and transformation.  

You can find more information about this year’s Racial Equity Summit, a LIFT SU initiative here.

Natasha Martin, J.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion