President's Updates

Conflict in Israel and Gaza

May 10, 2024

I am writing to share information about the results of a recent meeting I held with students regarding the university’s response to their demands relating to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

Reaffirming Our Principles on Campus Speech

April 30, 2024

Seattle University will continue to be guided by three important interests around free expression of ideas and viewpoints in service of our educational mission, each of which implicates our values as a Jesuit Catholic university.

Largest Gift Ever

March 13, 2024

This is a truly historic day for Seattle University. I am delighted to share that we are receiving the renowned Hedreen Art Collection, valued at more than $300 million, along with $25 million in seed money to create the Seattle University Museum of Art.

Father Steve Returning to SU as Chancellor

February 22, 2024

It is a pleasure to share the news that, this summer, my predecessor, Father Steve Sundborg (“Fr. Steve” to all who know him) will be returning to Seattle University to take on the role of “Chancellor,” the title that Jesuit universities traditionally reserve for former university presidents.

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 15, 2024

Each year we recognize the exceptional contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the transcendent objective of a world in which each person experiences justice, opportunity, and the unshakable knowledge that they belong in the beloved community of humankind.