President's Updates

Observing Juneteenth

June 19, 2023

Today, June 19, Seattle University joins other communities nationwide in observing Juneteenth. Juneteenth.

Coverage of Faculty Handbook Review

May 16, 2023

On May 10, 2023, the Spectator – Seattle University’s student newspaper – published an unfortunate and one-sided story that neither presented differing faculty viewpoints as it relates to proposed language regarding Seattle University’s Jesuit and Catholic character.

Vandalism at the Chapel of St. Ignatius

May 1, 2023

Yesterday afternoon, the Chapel of St. Ignatius was the target of an act of vandalism. Several items of furniture – as well as elements of the Chapel’s religious inscriptions – were defaced in the process. 

2023 Commencement Speakers

April 17, 2023

I am pleased to share that Doug Baldwin Jr. will speak at our undergraduate ceremony and Viet Thanh Nguyen, PhD will speak at the graduate ceremony. Both will receive honorary doctorates. 

Presidential and University Statements

March 27, 2023

On more than one occasion since I have arrived at Seattle University, I have received requests that I—or that Seattle University—issue a statement. I thought it would be helpful for me, as a still relatively new president, to engage the community to explain my approach.