
Get the Most Out of Your Practicum Experience

Tree on Campus

As I approached my first year in the MSW program my biggest concern was surrounding the idea of practicum. I dreamt up a million different versions of what my practicum experience might look like and it caused me a lot of unnecessary stress. So, I thought I'd provide a few words of advice and tips for students that are preparing for the unknown... I promise, practicum isn't as scary as you might think!
Jan 30, 2023

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Off-Duty Social Work Favorites

Snow globe photo

As a graduate student you are often expected to take in an abundance of different media in relation to social work. Much of this content informs our conversations in class, however, a large majority of it is strictly educational ted talks or videos tailored to class topics. Although I enjoy the content in class, it's nice to find other media sources that discuss social work topics from a different perspective. So, I thought I'd compile a list of my recent favorite shows, podcasts, music, and Instagram pages. My hope is that these media sources create dialogue around social work topics in a different way and give a broader perspective around mental health in general. Ideally, my social work favorites will allow you to choose media that you find compelling outside of graduate school requirements.
Dec 9, 2022

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Time Management Tips

Welcome back to the hustle and bustle that is graduate school. Whether you have been in school for years on end or you are just now getting back into the groove of it all, there is an art to maintaining your sanity during the process. Time management is always easier said than done, however, it can mean a world of difference when trying to manage classes, practicum, and maintaining a social life.
Nov 1, 2022

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Student FAQs

Students sitting in a circle on grass in front of SU student center

Potential and newly accepted students will often reach out to the social work program to talk with a student about their experience. Oftentimes the questions will be very similar, which is how I have come up with this list. I hope it is helpful in determining if this is the right program for you or solidifying your decision to accept your admission.
May 4, 2022

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Practicum Advocacy

Four students walking on campus and talking to each other

The practicum experience is a huge part of social work education. Personally, I feel like I have learned more while at my practicum than I could ever learn in a classroom. There are parts of the practicum experience that seem to be less talked about and may go unnoticed by some. So, let’s talk about them so that you know what to expect!
Feb 28, 2022

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