Kedar Kale, MBA, MS

Kedar Kale

Certified Executive Coach, University of California Berkeley
MBA, INSEAD, France / Singapore
MS, Engineering, Stanford University
BS, Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

Adjunct Professor, Center for Leadership Formation

Personal Bio

Kedar built his corporate leadership career at Apple, creating strategies and crafting executive communications for the Executive Team, CEO, and the Board of Directors. His work spanned many areas, including Leadership Development, Inclusion & Diversity, Employee Experience, and Team Culture. Kedar specializes in coaching leaders to create compelling narratives and communicate authentic stories at the intersection of business and humanity. His leadership coaching approach is grounded in the universal values of presence, meaning, truth, and openness. His work is deeply influenced by the creative process that introduces an element of art in leadership and life.

Kedar is creating a portfolio career as a global executive coach, people strategy advisor, and a faculty member of the Center for Leadership Formation at Seattle University. Kedar worked at Apple Inc. for a decade, leading Leadership Development, Business Operations, and Executive Communications for the VP of Operations and the SVP of the People Team. Before Apple, Kedar led teams of engineers modeling the dynamics of sports cars and co-founded an immersive learning startup.

Kedar lives in Issaquah, WA, with his wife and two young kids. He gets inspiration and energy from the consistent practice of singing meditations, gratitude rituals, morning time with kids, piano lessons, strength training, and tennis games with friends. He likes to express his creativity through photography and visual graphic design. While traveling, he enjoys exploring local adventure sports such as surfing, snowmobiling, and zip-lining!